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Who We Are

We are an evangelistic ministry located in Norwood, Missouri.

Our mission is to carry the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world!

Our burden is for places where Christ is not preached in truth,

but we will not hesitate to preach Christ wherever He leads.

Joshua Burks


Jesus Christ is my Lord! As a young boy I came under conviction of my sin through the law of God and turned from my sin, to Jesus Christ, believed the gospel, and was born again. God has been so good to me, and I praise His Holy name!

By God's grace and mercy He saved me at the young age of eight. I can recall handing out gospel tracks and contemplating getting saved. I had read the gospel many times, but I had not received Christ as my Saviour. Praise the Lord! He broke me of my pride, and showed me how I deserved hell for my wickedness, and saved me when I received Christ and His blood covered my sins. With God's grace and mercy it is my goal to do my reasonable service in whatever capacity God allows to preach His Word.

Michael Keim


What We Believe

Jesus Christ is fully God, and fully man, conceived by the Holy Spirit of God, born of the virgin Mary, and lived a perfect, sinless life, as the Son of God, and the Son of man. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh, and was eternally existent with God, and was God, but became a man 2000+ years ago in Bethlehem of Judea, and voluntarily laid his life down on the cross, died, was buried, and rose again from the dead the third day. Jesus IS ALIVE, and ever liveth to make intercession for us who are saved! We find all of this truth in the Holy Bible, God's written word, the AV, also known as the King James Bible. We believe this Authorized Version (AV) to be the very, perfect, plenary, perfectly preserved, WORD OF GOD, and the final authority for all matters pertaining to life, death, and judgment to come.
For more detail on what we believe, feel free to listen to the sermons from our team, and from our podcast. We also humbly invite you to get a Authorized Version Bible, and study it for yourself, for we have no greater statement of faith than the very Word of God!

Tent Evangelism

Tent Evangelism

Why Tent Evangelism?:


We desire to see God save souls, revive churches, and form new churches where the need arises! A tent provides a neutral location for lost and wayward individuals to come and hear the word of God. While the tent is neutral ground for the individual, the presence of the tent gives the ministry a substantial location, and jurisdiction, in order to ensure that the preaching of the word is done decently and in order.


What We Do:


We bring a tent and evangelistic team, and have daily services for 1 week. As the Lord leads, we will have morning prayer services, sometimes with Bible teaching and preaching. This time will be used primarily to equip and prepare the team, and believers for the work of evangelism. As the Lord leads we will go out into the community, with door to door evangelism, street preaching, and any other means God leads us to employ in carrying the gospel to the Lost in that area. The goal is that God may save souls through this effort.

If God blesses us with souls saved, and God leads us to continue the meetings we will continue another week or two.




We do not charge for our labors in the gospel. We trust and pray that God will provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. We do not take up offerings at any point in this ministry work.


We will be praying for God’s leading in the timing and location of the meetings. If you would like to see the tent set up in your area, feel free to use the Contact Us form to get ahold of us

Contact information

Phone: 417-413-1598

Norwood, MO

Copyright 2022 Joshua Burks. Duplication and free dissemination of each broadcast in it's complete unedited original entirety is allowed. All other duplication is prohibited. Any broadcast or part thereof may not be duplicated for sale.

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